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Having worked with schools for almost two decades, I have found a formula for learning that really works to engage your pupils, motivate your teachers and impress Ofsted. 

I call this REAL Learning.

Children at School

What is              Learning?

REAL no dots_edited.png

Relevant knowledge, issues, topics and experiences

Engaging pupils in active learning, developing their thinking, problem solving and communication skills

Assessable and accessible tasks so all pupils can progress

Linking learning across the wider curriculum, lining up with Ofsted expectations, and developing a lifelong love of learning

Who am I?

Who am I?

Stacey Burman
Educational Aid

I'm Stacey Burman, and I'm a dedicated and passionate educator with extensive experience working in a variety of educational settings. Over the years, I've developed a wealth of knowledge and expertise that I use to support teachers, school leaders, and pupils to achieve their full potential. 


Starting out as a teacher, working as a consultant, an Associate Deputy/Head Teacher in both primary and secondary schools, and as Advisor with various Local Authorities (LAs) and Standing Advisory Councils for  Religious Education (SACREs), I have always worked creatively and tailor my support to meet specific and bespoke needs. 


I've worked in and with faith schools, specialist SEND schools and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) across the spectrum of State, MAT and independent schools, helping eight schools achieve national awards in the last academic year alone. 


Having led popular training sessions to both primary and secondary teachers, nationally and across several boroughs, I've drawn on my experiences and relationships with Ofsted, national and local organisations and museums to always make a positive impact. I'm also qualified to support P4C and ILM Coaching and Mentoring, as well as an RE Quality Mark Assessor.


Connect with me!

Educational Aid
Educational Aid
Anchor 1

"I have worked with Stacey for almost 3 years now and the knowledge and support I gain from her is unmeasurable. Now, I am confident supporting my school to deliver high quality curriculum around the humanities subjects. More to this, each time I meet with Stacey, to discuss the curriculum, she adds the most contemporary research which helps us, new subject leaders to deepen our knowledge too. Stacey, your hard work and dedication is much appreciated by our school."

- Teacher, Coppetts Wood Primary School

Primary School Tutee

"Your enthusiasm for the subject inspires me to do and produce my best, in and out the classroom"
What I do

How can I help?

Curriculum Materials

Building custom planning materials to suit your schools needs and help you achieve your educational goals.

RE and Worldviews

Providing top-quality support and professional development resources on Religious Education and Worldviews for teachers of all levels - KS1 to KS3, GCSE and A-Level.

Geography and History

Providing top-quality support and professional development resources for Geography and History teachers of all levels - KS1 to KS3, GCSE and A-Level.

Kodesh in Hebrew

Supporting curriculum development, teachng and learning wth assessment for Kodesh and making meaningful links with Chol learning.

SACRE Advising

Supporting your SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) to make a difference to all pupils in the local area.

Bespoke Syllabi

Understanding there is not a one size fits all learning model. I can provide up to date examples aligned to the latest research and Ofsted expectations

Teacher CPD

Enhance teachers' skills and create a positive impact in the classroom.

Coaching and Mentoring

Providing staff coaching and mentoring, helping them to develop and grow as teachers.

Who have i worked with?

Who have I worked with?
These are just some of the organisations I have supported and collaborated with....

Hillingdon Local Authority

Contact Me
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